Policymakers, funders, and practitioners often turn to research and evaluation to learn about the outcomes and impacts of their efforts to make positive change.  To ensure maximum insights, evaluation and research must be designed using a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens.  To encourage thoughtful and effective evaluation practice, Public Policy Associates worked with numerous partners in 2015 to develop the following tools to guide evaluators in applying a racial equity lens to their work.

  • Considerations for Conducting Evaluation Using a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens is a practical guide to help evaluators assemble culturally-competent research teams, craft culturally-responsive evaluation designs, more fully engage diverse stakeholders in the evaluation process, and better assess the reach, effectiveness, and impact of social investments.
  • Is My Evaluation Practice Culturally Responsive? is a cultural diversity and cultural competency self-assessment checklist designed for personnel providing research and evaluation services and support to policy makers, funders, and practitioner organizations. The assessment builds on the key components for conducting evaluation using a culturally responsive and racial equity lens.