Dr. William Bushaw, a national expert in education policy, leadership development and school accountability, has become an affiliated consultant with Public Policy Associates, Inc.

Dr. Bushaw has worked to improve education practices from a multitude of perspectives. He was executive director of the National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assessment of Education Progress—the Nation’s Report Card.

He was also chief executive officer of Phil Delta Kappa International, where he led a family of education associations. He served as deputy superintendent of the Michigan Department of Education and state director of the Michigan North Central Association, which provides accreditation and evaluation services to more than 1,500 K-12 schools.

“Dr. Bushaw has a reputation for excellence and will be an important member of our education team,” said PPA Chief Operating Officer Colleen Graber.

Dr. Bushaw said he looks forward to working with PPA researchers to assist clients in areas such as strategic visioning and leadership and policy development.

“Public Policy Associates is performing important work to help improve public policy and educational outcomes in Michigan and across the country,” Dr. Bushaw said. “This is a critical time for educators and students, and I am delighted to join the team.

Read more about Dr. Bushaw’s experience here. You can contact him at wbushaw@gmail.com.