Senior Editor Stephanie Price joined Public Policy Associates in April 1999. Twenty-five years later, she is PPA’s most senior employee. And even if you don’t see them, her fingerprints are on many if not most of the firm’s reports, issue briefs, memos, and marketing materials. She excels at skills that make our products better, clearer, more polished, and concise. We talked to her about her job and the company’s past, present, and future.

Wow, it’s been a quarter century. How did you come to work at PPA?

I had been out of work for about a year after my mom passed away, and I was just looking for a job that provided a paycheck. I did several interviews and had several job offers. I chose to come to PPA because I liked the feel of a small firm and the vibe I got from the staff. At the interview, they took me around to meet the staff, so I knew a little bit about what I was getting into. I really liked that.

What was the company like at the start?

PPA was smaller and did more environmental policy work than we do now. I like that we have moved toward healthy communities overall. That gives us a broader scope and allows us to move into healthy food access, which is hugely important these days.

As an editor, is it rewarding to work on projects to create “better public policy for a better world?”

Absolutely. For example, we have a huge focus on child care. I don’t personally have kids, but I know it affects a lot of people. And the people who need the most assistance with it are getting more access than they used to because of better policies that we play a role in.

What was your original role at PPA, and how has it changed?

I started out as a receptionist. I started getting a lot of hand written editing jobs. I saw that the editor was way too busy, so I offered to take some editing classes. I did so, moved into an editing position, and am now senior editor.

How has the company grown?

We had 10 employees back then; we have 20 now. We have a lot more consultants, which broadens our reach as far as the policies we touch. And now that we’ve gone remote, we have the ability to reach out nationwide.

How has the editing work changed?

We have a lot more templates now, and we provide guidance to the staff about documents and styles. The tools have made editing a little less stressful. As an editor, you often get things at the last minute, so not having to worry about the format is a huge relief and time saver.

What do you like best about the job?

I get to learn a little bit about a lot of different things. Because I don’t have children, I wouldn’t know anything about child care had I not been working at PPA. Things like venture capital and healthy food; these are things I get to learn about in my job.

What is the PPA culture like?

We are really good at having fun together. And, because it’s a small firm, it feels like an extended family to me. I have some ongoing health issues that require a lot of doctor’s appointments, and PPA provides a flexible schedule, so I’m able to do that. I appreciate that a lot.

What are you most excited about as far as PPA’s future is concerned?

I’m excited to see how far out nationwide we can branch out with our remote work. Without the remote work, we would be pretty much confined to Michigan as far as employees. Now we have consultants from around the country with different views and cultures.