Earlier this year, Public Policy Associates, Inc. spoke with Michigan Works! agencies about their efforts to meet the needs of job seekers with barriers to employment, to connect individuals with middle-skill jobs (those requiring less than a four-year degree), and to support the 60 x 30 goal (60 percent of Michigan adults holding industry-valued postsecondary credentials by 2030). PPA conducted over 160 interviews with stakeholders from 15 of the 16 agencies, including staff and partners, as well as reviewing program materials, annual reports, and other documentation of activities.

The summary report from the scan is available here. The report highlights the strengths of the workforce agencies, common and persist challenges they face, and opportunities to leverage this network in Michigan for greater impact on pressing workforce needs.

For more information about PPA’s experience and services in the workforce space, please contact David McConnell, Vice President and Director for Workforce Policy, at dmcconnell@publicpolicy.com or 313-335-0763.