At its meeting on June 11, the Michigan State Board of Education (SBE) adopted newly updated Michigan K-12 social studies standards. The updated standards were informed by extensive stakeholder input gathering led by Public Policy Associates (PPA) researchers. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) retained PPA to design, facilitate, and report on 27 Listen and Learn regional input sessions 2018- 2019.

MDE first began revising the social studies standards in 2014 and this is the first update to the standards since 2007.

PPA also facilitated four small group work sessions to solicit input on the standards from the Michigan Branch of the NAACP, the Hispanic Latino Commission of Michigan, the Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission, and the Confederation of Michigan Tribal Education Directors.

PPA researchers provided specific, technical assistance to MDE, including theme identification, and delivered summary reports of findings to the State Board of Education as well as a statewide taskforce. This highly visible work took place over two years and included multiple forms of data collection.

PPA provides clients across the country with the evaluation, research, and strategic consultation to make smart public policy decisions that improve lives, enrich communities, and strengthen institutions. For more information about PPA’s work in K-12 education, please contact Daniel Quinn, Ph.D at