Rob Fowler              Sam Singh

Public Policy Associates, a nationally recognized consulting firm headquartered in Lansing, announced today that Small Business Association of Michigan CEO Rob Fowler and former Michigan House Democratic Leader Sam Singh have joined its board of directors. Their experience will help the firm as it continues to grow and seek new clients. PPA provides clients across the country with evaluation, research, and strategic consultation vital to making smart public policy decisions that improve lives, enrich communities, and strengthen institutions.

“Rob and Sam are experienced in dealing with Michigan governments, businesses, associations, foundations, and nonprofit organizations—all key areas for expansion at PPA. Adding them to our board of directors will help us capitalize on our 27 years of giving our clients innovative and insightful recommendations that help them achieve their goals,” said PPA President Colleen E. Graber.

Singh, who was CEO of the Michigan Nonprofit Association and mayor of East Lansing before entering the state House of Representatives, also is joining the company’s roster of consultants available for guidance to PPA clients.

Fowler said he was pleased to join the board, which includes owners Graber and CFO Virginia Orabone, as well as founder Jeff Padden, a former state lawmaker.

“I’ve long had respect for the work of Public Policy Associates, both under Jeff and now under the leadership of Colleen and Virginia,” Fowler said. “I’m pleased to offer my assistance to the PPA team as we work with clients from across the political spectrum to develop smart, affordable, effective public policy solutions in a time of important change in our state and nation.”

Singh said joining PPA as a board member and consultant is a continuation of his public service vocation.

“PPA has been a go-to organization for Michigan and national organizations looking to foster and measure change,” Singh said. “Joining the PPA team as a consultant and now as a member of the board will give me a chance to help and offer input to many organizations that are looking to make data-driven public policy decisions that benefit all.”