Public Policy Associates’ new Center for Local Solutions is partnering with state and local leaders in Michigan to strengthen communities and support sound budget practices. PPA created the Center for Local Solutions to help local governments, schools, and nonprofit organizations achieve their public policy goals. Larry Merrill, former executive director of the Michigan Townships Association, and PPA CEO, Sam Singh, are co-directors of the Center.

The Center is currently working with members of Michigan’s Sense of Place Council to develop a plan for an extensive analysis of Michigan communities’ efforts to promote place-based economic development aimed at attracting and retaining talented workers, entrepreneurs, and businesses. This work fits with PPA’s past contributions to understanding what it takes to create vibrant regions, downtowns, and neighborhoods. With the upcoming 2020 Census, there will be a treasure trove of data to support research about the value of placemaking initiatives that have occurred throughout Michigan.

The Center is also working with the new leadership of Oakland County to support their budget and long-term finance needs as they continue the County’s long tradition of financial excellence. In December, it was announced that PPA affiliated consultants Robert Kleine and Mitch Bean will be added to Oakland County’s fiscal team, helping to ensure that the county maintains high standards and fiscally responsible practices.

“These projects address core issues that are vital to communities’ success—creating places where people want to work and live, and ensuring that governments are fiscally sound,” said Mr. Singh.

For more information about how the Center for Local Solutions helps communities, contact Mr. Singh at or 517-485-4477.