The staff members of PPA have been adjusting to the new ways of working and limitations on day-to-day activities. Here, some of the staff share how they have found ways to bring positivity into their days.

“Photography is one creative activity that has always been a favorite pastime. Prior to quarantine, I dabbled at taking photos of nature and my family. My son is my favorite subject to shoot, and I love capturing the not-so- monumental, everyday pieces of life. During quarantine, I found peace in the photos I shot and it gave me strength to stay positive and be resilient for my family. I found an app called MyPostcard that allowed me to share my images with others.”

– Paige Haight, Research Associate II

“I’ve been exploring the Lansing River Trail on my new bicycle. It’s a chance to get some exercise and get out of the house during the gorgeous spring weather.”

– Nathan Burroughs, Senior Research Associate

“At the start of the stay-at-home orders, I began a weekly question e-mail chain with my family to share how we were experiencing the pandemic. Questions have ranged from the light (e.g., What is the state of your hair?) to the more serious (e.g., What have you learned about the value of state and federal government?). This activity draws upon my interest in social history and has helped our family connect in a new way.”

– Colleen Graber, Chief Operating Officer

“I have been an avid runner for more than 30 years and have taken to running every day in order to stay mentally fresh (and physically healthy) during the stay-at-home order. Since mid-March, I have run 65 straight days, averaging 4.5 miles per day, for a total of 293 miles. I drove only 36 miles during the month of April.”

– Daniel Quinn, Director of Education Policy

“I’m enjoying the paradise of my own backyard. The tiki bar is stocked, the deck is cleaned, and it’s pool time!”

– Mark Simmer, Technology Administrator

“Walking outside has been a welcome diversion in the evenings, and my family has been doing a call once a week to connect all five siblings living in several parts of the country. Since three of us live alone, it has been helpful to keep in touch this way while still keeping safe. Some of these calls have lasted over 2 hours!”

– Virginia Orabone, Chief Financial Officer

“The outdoors has always been rejuvenating for me. This spring, I’ve spent a lot of time working in the garden. We have planted a lot of veggies. It’s fun to see my daughter connect what she eats with what we are growing. I have also been using the meditation app, Headspace. (There is free content for anyone in Michigan here.)”

– Anna Colby, Senior Research Associate

“I’ve been learning from my ‘kids’ (pets) – they are sharing and taking care of each other.”

– Nancy McCrohan, Director of Healthy Communities Policy