PPA Research Associate Anna Fischer Colby, along with other experts in health care and policy, have published a peer-reviewed journal article on the implementation of video remote interpreting as part of a comprehensive language access strategy in a children’s hospital. The study examined the impact, utilization, efficiency, and costs of the services, which are used as an alternative to over- the-phone interpreting and in-hospital translators.

The peer-reviewed article, “Promoting Effective Communication with Limited English Proficient Families,” in the Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety found that implementation of video remote interpreting with families at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles presented challenges, including connectivity issues and staff resistance. However, after resolving those issues, the video interpreting increased access to services, reduced wait times and garnered staff and patient support.

You can find the article here. For more information, contact Ms. Colby at acolby@publicpolicy.com.