Launch Michigan has unveiled the findings of a three-month exploration of parent, community member, and educator experiences and expectations amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The research, conducted by Public Policy Associates, Inc. (PPA), included surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

Key findings include:

• Teachers’ greatest concerns were student attendance (84%) and student engagement (83%).
• Technology and internet access was a major barrier while schools were closed, even among more affluent families.
• Improved communication between educators, parents, and students will be essential as schools start remotely again in the fall.

The report is being released as lawmakers work on strategies for funding and delivering education this fall. Many school districts will be starting the school year remotely because of health concerns related to the pandemic.

“Regardless of the form of learning offered in Michigan, it will be important to create opportunities for parents, community members, educators, and students to provide feedback and ensure that each student in Michigan has an equitable opportunity to learn,” said Daniel Quinn, PPA’s director for education policy.

Public Policy Associates works extensively on education issues, including research that gathers and analyzes the collective voices of students, educators, parents, and others. For more information about PPA’s work with Launch Michigan, contact Nathan Burroughs at or Daniel Quinn at