Cognitive-behavioral techniques show promise in helping people who are unemployed cope with job loss, find new jobs, and keep them longer, according to new research by Public Policy Associates, Inc. The findings are outlined in a new PPA Issue Brief.

PPA conducted an independent study of Rethinking Job Search, a statewide program in Oregon created to help people overcome barriers to re-employment. Rethinking was an educational workshop series designed to enhance motivation, self-esteem, and accountability through the use of teaching tools grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps people overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Workshops were run by highly qualified facilitators.

PPA’s research found that the program was carried out very effectively and exceeded its goals for recruitment and completion. Participants were more likely to retain jobs, and they consumed fewer unemployment benefits.

PPA has conducted research in numerous states on workforce development initiatives funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. For more information about Rethinking Job Search or PPA’s workforce development research, contact Dr. Nancy McCrohan at or 517-485.4477.