Quality child care can make a big difference in a child’s early development. The State of Michigan has been working to increase access to quality child care for all of Michigan’s families through programs like Great Start to Quality, which identifies and helps to improve the quality of child care providers, and by providing subsidies to help families afford care.

New PPA analysis of child care quality data in Michigan found that:

  • Quality ratings are likely to increase over time, and providers that have participated in Great Start to Quality for longer periods have higher quality ratings on average.
  • Participation in Great Start to Quality continues to rise, with over half of providers having a quality rating as of 2019. At the same time, the total number of child care providers has decreased.

For the full findings, see the Data on Child Care Quality brief.

This research is part of a larger project made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, and in partnership with Michigan Department of Education, Office of Great Start and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

For more information on this project and PPA’s other work in child care policy, contact Colleen Graber at cgraber@publicpolicy.com.