Every person in Michigan deserves to have safe, affordable, and quality housing. With this goal in mind, the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) is leading the development of Michigan’s first statewide housing plan, in collaboration with a wide range of partner organizations. To inform the plan, Public Policy Associates, Inc. (PPA) gathered input from Michigan residents. The survey found:
- Nearly half of homeowners and one-third of those renting do not know where to go for housing assistance.
- Safety, access to amenities, and broadband access topped the list of desired community characteristics.
- Nearly one in four renters reported having experienced housing discrimination. Renters reported a higher rate of housing discrimination than homeowners and potential homebuyers.
- People with criminal records reported the highest levels of housing discrimination followed by American Indians/Alaska Natives, Black/African Americans, and people with disabilities.
For the full findings see the report: 2021 Michigan Housing Survey and Interview Findings.
Colleen Graber, PPA’s Chief Operating Officer, said, “From the Upper Peninsula to Southeast Michigan, the respondents reflected Michigan’s varied demographics and communities. Their voices help us to identify what needs attention in order to make quality, attainable housing a reality for all.”
The research was conducted during spring 2021 and received over 6,500 responses from Michigan residents across the state, including homeowners, renters, landlords, and potential homebuyers. The research also included interviews with 29 of the survey respondents to understand more deeply their housing challenges and ideas for improvements.
You can also learn more about the ongoing work being done around the Statewide Housing Plan on the website.
For more information about Public Policy Associates and our strategic planning and housing work, please contact Colleen Graber at CGraber@publicpolicy.com.