Public Policy Associates affiliated consultant Dr. Dorinda Carter Andrews, chair of teacher education at Michigan State University (MSU), along with three MSU doctoral students, has published a new paper on the experiences of Black girls in Michigan schools.

The peer-reviewed paper, “The Impossibility of Being ‘Perfect and White’: Black Girls’ Racialized and Gendered Schooling Experiences,” was published in the American Education Research Journal.  It is based on PPA research for the Michigan Department of Education (MDE).

PPA researchers conducted focus groups to better understand the perspectives of students of color for the Student Voice project—part of MDE’s African American Student Initiative.  By listening to students and addressing issues they identify, such as gender discrimination and bias, schools can improve the learning environment and student outcomes.

The doctoral students who co-wrote the paper were Tashal Brown, Eliana Castro, and Effat Id-Deen.

You can view the publishing site here.

Find out more about the Student Voice project here.