A recent PPA report shares lessons from a highly successful Oregon workforce program as it was redeployed in 2021 under a new organization, facilitation team, and training format.

The Rethinking Job Search program was designed to bolster job seekers’ motivation and confidence in their ability to be quickly reemployed. It offered methods for dealing with the emotional ups and downs of job-searching and provided hands-on activities for job-searching.

Among the program evaluation findings:

  • The program was feasible and viable in the redeployed configuration.
  • Facilitator training and supports were effective in developing capable facilitators who were newly steeped in cognitive-behavioral principles.
  • Workshop participants were satisfied with their experience.
  • The program was delivered effectively.

The PPA report offers insights for sustaining and replicating Rethinking or a similar program—including recommendations on initial training, monitoring, coaching, and supports; curriculum; and service-delivery modes.

Rethinking was developed by Willamette Workforce Partnership and implemented by the Oregon Employment Department.

A short report of findings and recommendations from the program evaluation conducted by PPA can be found here.