Earlier this month, Public Policy Associates, Inc., (PPA), celebrated its 31st anniversary with a special gathering of clients, employees (current and former), board members, and supporters. Taking place at the View, it was a time to celebrate the positive impacts and important research PPA has accomplished over its many years, and our cherished clients that have helped us reach this point.

At the gathering, attendees also had the opportunity to welcome PPA’s incoming CEO, Rob Fowler, creating not only an opportunity to look back, but to also look towards the future of PPA.

“It was great to be in a room full of people who care about public policy and have the audacity to think we can improve the laws and policies of our state,” said Rob Fowler. “It was good to have the chance to meet some new people, see some old friends, and express appreciation for our clients.”

We would like to thank everyone for attending the gathering—for their warm welcome to Rob Fowler and celebrating what has been accomplished since Jeff Padden formed the organization in 1991.

“I was happy to see old friends—some of whom attended our first party in 1991—along with current clients, friends, and relatives. As a musician, I’m grateful to Tom Jones, Algie Watkins, and their great band for providing exceptional live jazz to energize the event,” said Jeff Padden. “As PPA Board Chair, I’m eager to support Rob as he leads PPA into the future. Rob brings broad policy experience, a far-flung network, and experience growing an organization.”

Everyone at PPA looks forward to many more gatherings in the years to come!