Public Policy Associates produces high-quality, independent reports that offer analysis and insight to clients and their stakeholders. Here is a sampling:

Public Policy Associates produces high-quality, independent reports that offer analysis and insight to clients and their stakeholders. Here is a sampling:
Topic Area: Higher Education Service Type: Research Document Type: Brief Date: December, 2023Tags: Data Analysis, Education Professionals, Educators, Equity, Higher Education, Literature Review, Opportunity Gaps, Postsecondary Participation, Research
Topic Area: Higher Education Client Type: Educational Institution Service Type: Consulting Document Type: Brief Partner(s): Michigan Higher Education Attainment Roundtable (MIHEART)Date: January, 2024Tags: Dual Enrollment, Early College Credit, Funding Recommendations, Opportunity Gaps, Postsecondary Completion, Postsecondary Participation, Students
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